alt_disk_copy -d hdisk3 -F 5300-01_AIX_ML -l /updates The bootlist would then be set to boot from hdisk3 at the next reboot. To clone the running rootvg to hdisk3 and hdisk4, and execute update_all on all updates from /updates: alt_disk_copy -d "hdisk3 hdisk4" -b update_all -l /updates


14 Feb 2011 Please see the alt_disk_copy man pageand documentation for more details. Executing command: {/usr/sbin/alt_disk_copy -O -B -d "hdisk2"}

try again AIX update: alt_disk_copy -d hdiskX -n -b update_all -l /mnt/AIX_new_level-----Labels: +EXTRAS. 59 comments: Anonymous September 22, 2012 at 2:26 PM. Hi, In alt_disk_copy and alt_disk_install, whether actual update will happen in normal hdisk0 (rootvg) or cloned hdisk1 (alt_inst_rootvg) Reply Delete. Replies. aix When using the Alternate Disk Copy method for AIX updates, it sometimes happens that the installed fixes prevent a successful update. In this case the installed fixes can be removed directly in the altinst_rootvg.For this the emgr command can be called directly in the altinst_rootvg using the chroot command.. After creating the altinst_rootvg, e.g.

Aix alt_disk_copy

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This publication The alt_disk_copy command only backs up mounted file systems. 2020년 9월 11일 AIX alt_disk_install 방법 # alt_disk 옵션 설명 - C : clone - B : bootlist - O Executing command: {/usr/sbin/alt_disk_copy -B -O -d "hdisk0"} 2018年7月17日 alt_disk_copy 是一個內建的AIX 實用程式,可以用它克隆正在執行的rootvg。 alt_disk_copy 通常用於會影響正在執行的AIX 的升級、為準備遷移  27 Apr 2019 It makes sense to perform the migration from SDDPCM to AIX PCM alt_disk_copy -d hdisk3 -B Calling mkszfile to create new / file. 7 Feb 2012 HOWTO: Disk Mapping to lpar with dual VIOS via VSCSI and MPIO up How to backup and restore AIX volume group other than rootvg ›. 16 Set 2011 Please see the alt_disk_copy man page and documentation for more details.

The alt_disk_copy is a built-in AIX utility that allows the cloning of a running rootvg.

使用 alt_disk_copy 克隆 rootvgalt_disk_copy 是一个内置的 AIX® 实用程序,可以用它克隆正在运行的 rootvg。alt_disk_copy 通常用于会影响正在运行的 AIX 的升级、为准备迁移克隆磁盘和在线备份 rootvg。

Related Information . 1. Introduction. Alternate Disk Installation is a nice method to update a system's TL or SP with minimal downtime.

The alt_disk_copy command allows users to copy the current rootvg to an alternate disk and to update the operating system to the next maintenance or technology 

Using alt_disk_copy (see the Resources section) to clone your rootvg disks for ease of back-out when doing AIX® upgrades or applications upgrades that resided on the rootvg disks.In that article, I did not cover hardware migrations as this was out of scope. In this article, I discuss how this can be achieved.

Aix alt_disk_copy

There is also a possibility to use the phase 2 with alt_disk_copy … Replacing a failed disk (rootvg) February 16, 2012 In "AIX". The alt_disk_copy command allows users to copy the current rootvg to an alternate disk and to update the operating system to the next maintenance or technology  18 Sep 2016 Syntax : alt_disk_copy -d -b update_all -l Example : alt_disk_copy -d hdisk1 -b update_all -l /export/lpp_source/AIXTL7SP8. 5 Jul 2012 alt_disk_copy -e /etc/exclude.rootvg -d hdisk1 To clone a rootvg on hdisk1 with exclude some of the files # alt_rootvg_op -X altinst_rootvg To  17 Aug 2012 AIX 61 TL0 SP05. # INUCLIENTS=1 chroot /alt_inst /usr/sbin/emgr -r -L IV13820s. Please note the environment variable INUCLIENTS in front  2020년 4월 13일 IBM AIX ALT_DISK생성 작업 [root@test_svr1:/]# lspv hdisk0 00008492ef481bbc Executing command: {/usr/sbin/alt_disk_copy -B -d "hdisk1"}.
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Aix alt_disk_copy

AIX: How can I check what qdepth the kernel actually uses for a specific LUN. 2021 AIX Performance Tuning Update AIX / Article / Systems management / Performance. When looking at performance problems, or even just taking a baseline measurement, it’s important to take a phased approach. In this article, Jaqui Lynch describes her AIX performance tuning plan. 2014-11-13 · This article describes how to update Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) to a higher level using an alternate disk. This is an intermediate-level article and is targeted for system administrators.

with the alt_disk_copy command, the altinst alt_disk_copy -d "hdisk2 hdisk3" To create the alternate mksysb system. alt_disk_mksysb -m -d Alt_disk log file For AIX: Make sure you are taking the below output before scan for new lun/disk. #lspv #ls How to mirror the rootvg in AIX? 2016-11-18 2008-12-08 alt_disk_copy -I agXY -P all -b update_all -l \ /path/to/upgrade/filesets -d hdisk# and have a peachy day too! Posted in Real life AIX. Tagged with AIX, alt_disk, alt_disk_copy, alt_inst, alternate, clone, disk, failure, os, rootvg, upgrade.
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IBM AIX commands you should not leave home without. April 4, 2014. Article. Configuring YUM and creating local repositories on IBM AIX. October 24, 2018. Article. Setting up a firewall with AIX TCP/IP filtering. October 4, 2011 Tutorial. Ansible automation for IBM Power

The bootlist would then be set to boot from hdisk2 at the next reboot. Posted by For AIX: Make sure you are taking the below output before scan for new lun/disk. #lspv #ls How to mirror the rootvg in AIX? 2018-06-17 AIX alt_disk_copy. How to upgrade TL and SP in AIX using alternate disk(alt_disk_copy) Part 1, Memory overview and tuning memory parameters AIX7. Part 2, Monitoring memory usage (ps, sar, svmon, vmstat) and analyzing the results AIX7. Part 3, Tuning swap space settings AIX7.

9 Dec 2015 There's a really handy way of cloning an AIX operating system straight from a mksysb backup. Even if you don't need to clone an OS, it's a 

Anthony English, AIX blog An excelent source of AIX info from Australia; 2 days ago As systems grow larger with more users it has become more common to authenticate general AIX ® users against a common repository. More recently this is Active Directory (AD), which is where the single Windows ® username normally resides for users.

Article. Setting up a firewall with AIX TCP/IP filtering. October 4, 2011 Tutorial. Ansible automation for IBM Power 2019-04-27 AIX Tips and tricks for AIX BSD Tips and tricks for BSD HP-UX Tips and tricks for HP-UX Linux Tips and tricks for Linux Solaris Tips and tricks for Solaris Others Tips and tricks for other UN*X variants Un*x General Unix tips Topics unixwerk focal points. Guestbook Sign our guestbook Contact Get in touch with the authors Archive All unixwerk Initial smitty alt_clone screen. Remember, if you are unsure about a field, pressing F1 provides help. … alt_disk_copy hangs on mkszfile Backstory This occurred after I created a clone of existing system, ultimately with the intent to test upgrade, and brought up a test lpar on the newly created clone.